Brown County Community Garden- Imperial Pride- Spring 2023,

Imperial Pride Community Garden

This area, through partnership with UW Extension, Brown County Community Garden, and The Salvation Army, offers the Imperial Pride neighborhood a space for a community garden.

A community garden is a crucial part of a vibrant, inclusive, and engaged neighborhood. Brown County Community Gardens program provides garden space and logistical assistance to Brown County residents to facilitate their access to affordable, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food.

Through this partnership we can support the gardeners, families, and individuals that live right here in the Imperial Pride neighborhood.  This location offers an area for the garden to exist into the future, located just north of the Kroc Center on Lime Kiln Rd.

*This garden location has come to fruition thanks to everyone at Brown County Community Garden program, UW Extension, Brown County, and The Salvation Army Kroc Center.

Jardín Comunitario Imperial Pride Esta área, a través de la asociación con UW Extension, Brown County Community Garden y The Salvation Army, ofrece al vecindario Imperial Pride un espacio para un jardín comunitario. Un jardín comunitario es una parte crucial de un vecindario vibrante, inclusivo y comprometido. El programa de Jardines Comunitarios del Condado de Brown proporciona espacio de jardín y asistencia logística a los residentes del Condado de Brown para facilitar su acceso a alimentos asequibles, nutritivos y culturalmente apropiados. A través de esta asociación, podemos apoyar a los jardineros, familias e individuos que viven aquí en el vecindario Imperial Pride. Esta ubicación ofrece un área para que el jardín exista en el futuro, ubicado justo al norte del Centro Kroc en Lime Kiln Rd.

* Esta ubicación del jardín ha llegado a buen término gracias a todos en el programa de Jardín Comunitario del Condado de Brown, UW Extension, el Condado de Brown y el Centro Kroc del Ejército de Salvación.

Beerta Bulshada ee Imperial Pride Goobtan, iyada oo la kaashanayo UW Extension, Beerta Bulshada ee Brown County, iyo Ciidamada Badbaadinta, waxay bixisaa xaafadda Imperial Pride xaafadda Imperial Pride meel ay ugaarto beerta bulshada. Beerta bulshadu waa qayb muhiim u ah xaafad firfircoon, loo dhan yahay, loona mashquulsan yahay. Barnaamijka Beeraha Beeraha Bulshada ee Brown County wuxuu siiyaa boos beerta ah iyo gargaarka saadka deganayaasha Brown County si loo fududeeyo helitaanka helitaanka raashin raashin la awoodi karo, nafaqo leh, iyo dhaqan ahaan ku haboon. Iskaashigan waxaan ku taageeri karnaa beeraleyda, qoysaska, iyo shaqsiyaadka ku nool halkan xaafadda Imperial Pride. Goobtani waxay bixisaa aag beerta ay ka jirto ilaa mustaqbalka, oo ku yaalla waqooyiga xarunta Kroc ee Lime Kiln Rd.

* Goobtan beerta ah ayaa ku soo beegmay in laga miro dhaliyo qof kasta oo jooga barnaamijka Beerta Community Garden ee Brown County, UW Extension, Brown County, iyo The Salvation Army Kroc Center.

Imperial muaj nuj nqis zej zog Thaj tsam no, los ntawm kev koom tes nrog UW Extension, xim av county lub zej zog, thiab cov tub rog Salvation, muaj cov imperial pride zej zog ib qhov chaw rau ib lub zej zog vaj zaub. Ib lub zej zog vaj yog ib feem tseem ceeb heev ntawm ib vibrant, inclusive, thiab nrog rau cov neeg zej zog. Xim av County Lub zej zog muab vaj zaub thiab logistical kev pab xim av county tuaj pab txhawb lawv mus saib tau affordable, nutritious, thiab culturally tsim nyog. Los ntawm qhov kev koom tes no peb yuav txhawb lub gardeners, tsev neeg, thiab cov neeg uas nyob ntawm no nyob rau hauv lub Imperial Pride zej zog. Qhov chaw no muaj ib cheeb tsam rau lub vaj zaub mus nyob rau yav tom ntej, nyob sab qaum teb ntawm lub Kroc Center rau Lime Kiln Rd.

*Lub vaj zaub no tuaj fruition tsaug sawv daws nyob xim av lub zej zog vaj, UW Extension, xim av County, thiab cov tub rog Salvation Kroc Center.

Earth Day Event, 2023,


Pollinator Project- Spring 2023,

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. -Song of Songs 2:12 (NIV)


Pollinator Habitat Project

This area has been planted to native grasses and wildflowers preferred by pollinators. In Wisconsin, pollinators are bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, and some beetles and flies.

Wisconsin is home to many pollinators that are rare and in decline, including the federally endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, which has been observed locally. Pollinator habitat not only provides valuable habitat for pollinators, but also non-pollinating insects, grassland birds (including upland game birds), waterfowl, , bats and other wildlife. This pollinator habitat planting supports Wisconsin’s pollinators by providing food (pollen and nectar), protection from insecticides and herbicides, and shelter in the form of bunch grasses, stems, and exposed areas of soil. Pollinator populations are in decline due to a variety of threats, including habitat loss and degradation. Pollinator conservation is critical because their losses threaten Wisconsin’s agricultural crops, native plants, and ecosystems.

*This habitat was planted thanks to a grant from US Fish & Wildlife Service, Pheasants Forever, The Brown County Land & Water Conservation Department, The Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter, and Stone Silo Prairie Gardens.

Proyecto Hábitat de Polinizadores

Esta área ha sido plantada con pastos nativos y flores silvestres preferidas por los polinizadores. En Wisconsin, los polinizadores son abejas, mariposas, polillas, colibríes y algunos escarabajos y moscas.

Wisconsin es el hogar de muchos polinizadores que son raros y están en declive, incluido el abejorro parcheado oxidado en peligro de extinción a nivel federal, que se ha observado localmente. El hábitat de los polinizadores no solo proporciona un hábitat valioso para los polinizadores, sino también para insectos no polinizadores, aves de pastizales (incluidas las aves de caza de tierras altas), aves acuáticas, murciélagos y otros animales salvajes. Esta plantación de hábitat de polinizadores apoya a los polinizadores de Wisconsin al proporcionar alimentos (polen y néctar), protección contra insecticidas y herbicidas, y refugio en forma de pastos en racimos, tallos y áreas expuestas del suelo. Las poblaciones de polinizadores están en declive debido a una variedad de amenazas, incluida la pérdida y degradación del hábitat. La conservación de los polinizadores es crítica porque sus pérdidas amenazan los cultivos agrícolas, las plantas nativas y los ecosistemas de Wisconsin.

* Este hábitat fue plantado gracias a una subvención de US Fish & Wildlife Service, Pheasants Forever, The Brown County Land & Water Conservation Department, The Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter, and Stone Silo Prairie Gardens.

Pollinator Habitat Project

Dhulkan waxaa lagu beeray caws iyo ubax-duurjoog oo ay doorbidayaan dadka beeraha beeraha sameeya. Wisconsin, pollinators waa shinnida, balanbaalis, balanbaalis, shimbiro, hummingbirds, iyo qaar ka mid ah beetles iyo duqsiyada.

Wisconsin waxay hoy u tahay dad badan oo baadhitaano badan leh oo dhif iyo hoos u dhac ku jiro, waxaana ka mid ah midka khatarta ku ah dawladda dhexe ee Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, oo laga arkay gudaha. Habka pollinator ma aha oo kaliya wuxuu bixiyaa degaan qiimo leh oo loogu talagalay pollinators, laakiin sidoo kale cayayaanka aan sunta lahayn, shimbiraha dhul daaqsinta ah (oo ay ku jiraan shimbiraha dhulka sare), shimbiraha biyaha, fiidmeerta iyo duurjoogta kale. Beerista hab-dhiska pollinator Tani taageertaa pollinators Wisconsin by bixinta cunto (pollen iyo nectar), ka ilaalinta cayayaanka iyo dhirta lagu beero, iyo hoyga oo ah sida cawska bunch, jiirta, iyo meelaha carradu soo gaadho oo carrada ah. Tirade tirade tirade ba’an ayaa hoos u dhacay, sababo la xiriira hanjabaado kala duwan oo ay ka mid tahay lumis degaanka iyo hoos u dhaca. Ilaalinta pollinator-ka waa mid aad muhiim u ah sababtoo ah khasaarahooda ayaa khatar ku ah dalaga beeraha Wisconsin, dhirta u dhasha, iyo hannaankii deegaanka.

* Deegaankan waxaa la beeray iyadoo loogu mahadcelinayo deeqda ay bixisay US Fish & Wildlife Service, Pheasants Forever, The Brown County Land & Water Conservation Department, The Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter, and Stone Silo Prairie Gardens.

Pollinator Habitat peb tes num

Thaj tsam no muaj tau cog rau haiv neeg grasses thiab wildflowers najnpawb los pollinators. Nyob rau hauv Wisconsin, pollinators yog bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, thiab ib co beetles thiab flies.

Wisconsin yog tsev mus ntau pollinators uas tsis tshua muaj thiab poob, xws li tsoom fwv teb chaws endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, uas tau raug cai locally. Pollinator habitat tsis zoo xwb muab cwj pwm zoo rau pollinators, tiam sis kuj tsis-pollinating insects, grassland noog (nrog rau upland kev ua si noog), waterfowl, bats thiab lwm cov tsiaj qus. No pollinator habitat cog txhawb Wisconsin pollinators los muab zaub mov (pollen thiab nectar), tiv thaiv los ntawm insecticides thiab herbicides, thiab chaw nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm bunch grasses, stems, thiab raug cov av. Pollinator pejxeem yog poob vim muaj ntau ntshai heev txawm ntshai heev txawm, xws li tsis tau thiab degradation. Pollinator kev txuag yog tseem ceeb heev vim lawv losses hawv Wisconsin agricultural qoob loo, haiv neeg cog, thiab ecosystems.

*No habitat yog cog tsaug ib qhov nyiaj pab los ntawm USFWS, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Pheasants Forever, The Brown County Land & Water Conservation Department, The Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter, and Stone Silo Prairie Gardens.


Pollinator Project, Fall 2022,

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. -Song of Songs 2:12 (NIV)


Beginning, late August 2022, this area will begin it’s transformation from turf grass to pollinator habitat. Project location is on the southwest corner of The Salvation Army property, between the maintenance garage and Lime Kiln. The first stage, will be to terminate the turfgrass, which will be with a suitable and approved chemical treatment, during this time you will notice the grasses turning brown, and drying up. The second stage, will be to ready the area for a fall seeding, October 20, 2022, where staff and members are encouraged to come join us- invitation to come soon. The native grass and wildflower mix that has been selected will need to be seeded in the fall in order to fully reach it’s potential by spring, overwintering the native seeds are crucial step in this process.

In spring, Save-the-Date for a community Earth Day event at the Kroc Center, on Saturday, April 22, 2023- invitation to be sent early 2023. On this date, we will officially unveil the pollinator project to our neighbors, members, staff, and the community. For this event, there will be keynote speakers, educational activities for kids, snacks, giveaways, and more.

Once mature, in summer 2023, this area will be planted with native grasses and wildflowers preferred by pollinators. In Wisconsin, pollinators include bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, and some beetles and flies. Wisconsin is home to many pollinators that are rare and in decline, including the federally endangered Rusty Patched Bumblebee, which has been observed locally.

This pollinator habitat will not only provide valuable habitat for pollinators, but also non-pollinating insects, grassland birds (including upland game birds), waterfowl, bats, and other wildlife. This pollinator habitat planting will support Wisconsin’s pollinators by providing food (pollen and nectar), protection from insecticides and herbicides, and shelter in the form of bunch grasses, stems, and exposed areas of soil. Pollinator populations are in decline due to a variety of threats, including habitat loss and degradation.

Pollinator conservation is critical because their losses threaten Wisconsin’s agricultural crops, native, plants and ecosystems.

This project was planted through a partnership with the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Pheasants Forever, The Brown County Land & Water Conservation Department, The Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter, and Stone Silo Prairie Gardens.


Community Sunflower Project, Summer 2022,

You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it. You drench its furrows and level its ridges; you soften it with showers and bless its crops.
You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.
The grasslands of the wilderness overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness.
The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing.
-Psalm 65:9-13


This Friday, August 19, 2022, at 1pm, join us at the Kroc Center to take part in the Community Sunflower Project.

Mayor Eric Genrich, The Salvation Army Kroc Center, Green Bay Public Schools and JBS will gather with local organizations, NWTC CTED Center, GB Conservation Corps, City of Green Bay Parks, and the Kroc Summer Camp program children to plant a 2-acre sunflower garden in and around the Kroc Center. The location of this planting will begin on the west side of the Kroc Center and journey through the property to the former, JBS development site adjacent to The Salvation Army and GBAPS properties. This event will also serve as a Kick-off of the City AmeriCorps program, the City’s Conversation Corps will be the first municipal program in Wisconsin.

Bring your gardening gloves, appropriate clothing and footwear and take part in this groundbreaking event at the Kroc Center!


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